(最終更新日:2023-05-21 23:10:37)
  スミス・キャメロン・ アレクサンダー   Cameron Alexander Smith
  C.A. スミス
   所属   文学部 英語英米文化学科
   職種   外国人教師
■ 専門分野
Foreign language acquisition, Education, Linguistics, Literature in second language learning (キーワード:Creativity, creative writing in a foreign language, Content and Language Integrated learning) 
■ 学歴(学位)
1. 1990/10~1993/06 University of Oxford St. John's College 卒業 BA(Hons)(Philosophy, Politics and Economics)
2. 1993/09~1994/09 University of Edinburgh Department of Social Policy Policy Studies 修士課程修了 MSc(Social policy)
3. 1996/09~2002/07 University of Edinburgh Department of Social Policy Health Insurance in Post-Soviet Russia 博士課程修了 PhD(Social policy)
■ 職歴
1. 2009/04~2014/03 中部大学 中部大学語学センターオペルト 講師
2. 2014/04~2015/03 愛知学院大学 文学部 国際文化学科 外国人教師
3. 2015/04~ 愛知学院大学 文学部 英語英米文化学科 外国人教師
■ 学会発表
1. 2023/05/14 Making monsters: applying creativity theories to creative classroom tasks(JALT PanSIG Conference 2023)
2. 2022/12/03 Setting up creative tasks: insights from recent developments in creativity theory(The Fifth Annual Nanzan Language Education Seminar)
3. 2021/11/13 Creativity in Education: Putting Japan in a Global Context(Japan Association for Language Teaching 47th Annual Conference)
4. 2020/11/22 Collaborative Creativity in the Language Classroom(46th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition)
5. 2019/05/18 Effectiveness of Poster Presentations for CLIL Courses(JALT PAN-SIG)
■ 所属学会
1. 2005/10~ Japan Association for Language Teaching
2. 2012~ JALT National abstract reading committee
3. 2013~ JALT Conference Proceedings Review
4. 2013~ JALT Literature in Language Teaching special interest group
5. 2013~ The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 2021 論文  Distributed Creativity: Language Learning and the Craft Approach to Creativity Communities of teachers & learners pp.12-19 (単著) Link
2. 2020 論文  Effectiveness of Poster Presentations for CLIL Courses PanSIG Journal pp.56-63 (共著) 
3. 2019 論文  From Foundation Course to Text Book: introducing CLIL in a Japanese
University The Journal of the Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association pp.85-99 (共著) 
4. 2018 著書  Culture through English 2   (共著) 
5. 2018 論文  "Creativity" in Japanese Education Policy Language teaching in a global age: Shaping the classroom, shaping the world pp.8-14 (単著) 
■ 教育方法の工夫・教科書作成
1. 2009~ Promoting creative writing in a second language
2. 2018/04~ TOEIC L&R テスト トレーニング(中級編) - An Intermediate Training Course for the TOEIC L&R Test
■ 資格・免許
1. 1994/10 RSA Certificate of Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults
2. 1999 Test of Russian as a Foreign Language Level Level 3
3. 2009/12 日本語能力試験、二級